
Discontinued - 4 in Stock

SKU: 4BEES00004

Weighing Module - Aluminium

MPN: 4BEES00004

GTIN: 4BEES00004

The weighing module is particularly suitable for building a beehive scale by yourself.

List Price € 198.00

The weighing module consists of an aluminium weighing frame and a load cell. It can be used as a weight sensor for any hive scale. Compared to other weighing modules, it is very light and absolutely waterproof. It can be connected to any measuring amplifier via the 4-pin cable. An aluminum plate allows easy mounting of a case (e.g. universal case 159 x 91 x 62 polycarbonate light gray Hammond Electronics).


Dimensions: L 500mm x W 350mm x H 90mm
Weight: 4500g
Measuring range: 100 kg
Material: Aluminum