The blog functionality of and allows any registered user to easily post content on the Internet. For example, articles about the operating method, treatment methods, observation of honey flow or work on the apiary can be created. Each author of the article is free to decide for whom the blog entry should be visible. A beekeeper can of course also keep a private diary about the activities in the apiary, which is only visible to him.
To create a blog entry, you must first visit your own blog page (User Icon -> My Profile -> Blogs). Click the New Entry button at the top right of the blog window and a blog entry can be created.
So that the blog entry has a nice optical lead, a significant photo is uploaded first. Then a suitable title and subtitle should be chosen. The content is entered in the next field. In addition to text formatting, the editor also allows you to upload images, videos or tables.
In the next section, various metadata can be entered and settings can be changed.
In the Categorization menu item, the blog entry can be assigned to a category for better structuring.
Under the Linked Assets menu item, the blog entry can be linked to other documents, web articles, blog entries,...
A User-Friendly URL can be specified in the Configuration menu item. The summary can be modified and a thumbnail image can be uploaded. The display date determines on which day the blog entry should be published.
The Display Page menu item allows you to change the display page.
The last menu item Permissions allows the visibility of the blog entry
to change. Here I can choose whether the blog entry should be visible to everyone (Everyone), only to registered users (User) or only to me (Owner).
The blog entry is published by clicking on the Publish button. However, it can also be saved as a draft or discarded (Cancel).